英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:05:08
  • 网络解释

1. 过时:reflecting goniometer 反射测角仪 | go out of fashion 过时 | malformed 难看的, 畸形的

2. 渐渐过时:come into fashion 流行起来 | go out of fashion 渐渐过时 | be in fashion 正流行


3. 过时,不再流行:give way to 让步,让路 | go out of fashion 过时,不再流行 | go shares 分享,分担

4. go out of fashion的翻译

4. 不再流行:come into fashion 开始流行 | go out of fashion 不再流行 | follow the fashion 赶时尚

As a female student, I agree that fashion is important, although the garments will also go out of shape after being worn for some time.(作为女生我也认为时尚很重要,其实衣服穿一阵就会走样是很现实的问题。)
When did that style of dress go out of fashion?(那种式样的衣服是什么时候时兴的?)
Supposedly, the long pinky fingernail has begun to go out of fashion as contact with the West increases.(可以推测,随着与西方接触的不断加深,小指留长指甲的习惯已渐渐过时。)
Trends come and go, fashion changes, but love never goes out of style.(潮流来去匆匆,时尚也总在变化,但爱永不过时。)
So I set out to educate myself on some fashion basics - what shoes go with what kind of trousers, how to distinguish various sorts of dress shirts, and so on.(因此我开始自学些时尚常识——什么鞋配什么衣服,怎么区别不同的衬衫,等等。)
"A diamond is forever". Always in fashion, never go out of style, year in and year out.(钻石是永恒的,永远时髦,永不过气,年年如此。)
In fashion, there are certain staples that never go out of style — a pair of straight-leg jeans, a navy blazer, black heels, a little black dress.(在时尚界,总有一些元素永不过时——一条直筒牛仔裤,一件海军上衣,黑色高跟鞋,黑色小礼服。)
When did that style of dress come into/go out of fashion?(那种衣服的样式什么时候流行/不流行?。)
Textures like crocodile skin or snakeskin never really go out of style. But this spring, they seem to be popping up in bright spring colors, especially in fashion accessories.(鳄鱼皮、蛇皮等材质堪称“时尚常青树”。而今年春季,尤其是在一些时尚配饰方面,它们似乎披上时尚糖果色的外衣“重出江湖”。)
Teresa: Yes, names like William, John, Robert, Michael, Richard, James, David, and Daniel will never go out of fashion.(特里萨:是的,像威廉姆,约翰,罗伯特,迈克尔,理查德,詹姆斯,大卫和丹妮尔从来不会过时。)
go out of fashion是什么意思 go out of fashion在线翻译 go out of fashion什么意思 go out of fashion的意思 go out of fashion的翻译 go out of fashion的解释 go out of fashion的发音 go out of fashion的同义词